The Health Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument

Playing a musical instrument offers more than just an avenue for creativity or entertainment, it can also contribute significantly to mental, emotional, and physical...

South Walton Live Music Scene

Stars & Guitars Benefit Concert April 3 The Stars & Guitars benefit concert is set for Thursday, April 3rd at 7 p.m. in Aaron Bessant...

Scratch Biscuit Kitchen Reopens With New Menu and Expanded Hours

Exciting news for food lovers in South Walton — Scratch Biscuit Kitchen is expanding its hours and launching a brand-new dinner menu! After a...

Road to Redemption: Hannah Rodriguez – Electronics and Anxiety in Children

By Victoria Ostrosky For a multitude of Americans, life seems plagued with stress and uncertainty.  Anxiety cripples not only adults, but children and teens in...

The Phenomenon of Snow and Getting Unstuck

By Kirk McCarley Folks are attracted to Florida for a variety of reasons.  Beaches, amusement parks, a positive business and living environment, and favorable year-round...

The Only Person You Can Change Is You

By Stephenie Craig Do you ever find yourself exhausted, irritated, and resentful when a person in your life won’t start or stop certain behavior? Maybe...

A Pastor’s Ponderings: Sleeping Out

By Rev. Pete Hyde The small tent was set up in the backyard next to the pasture that bordered the northeast Kansas base housing subdivision. ...

Beach Time – ECES Style

By Chris Balzer When planning your next beach day, take some extra time and enjoy the beach ECES style (Emerald Coast Energy Solutions).  Of course,...

Book Review: Secure Love by Julie Menanno

Reviewed By Michael McManus, LCSW Reading “Secure Love" by Julie Menanno is like having a heart-to-heart chat with your best friend about what makes relationships...

Medicare’s Alphabet

By Christian Regalado If you have looked into getting a Medicare plan for yourself or someone else, you may have been confused by all the...